Canada (5,959 m) – 2nd Tallest Mountain in North America
Mount Logan is the tallest second highest peak in North America and the tallest mountain in Canada. Located close to the border of Alaska, it is nevertheless several hundred miles from McKinley. Unlike McKinley, Logan is still growing, though it will be millennia before it is likely to take the North American title. Despite this, Logan does hold a record for the largest base-circumference of any mountain in the world, other than volcanoes. The mountain is named in honor of Canadian geologist William Logan.
Logan was first climbed in 1925 by a team of Canadian and non-Canadian climbers. It is arguably one of the least climbed of the worlds tallest peaks, despite the fact that it is less difficult than other mountains in its height range.
Mount Logan is located in the Kluane National Park and Reserve. It is remote, even by remote mountain standards. There is no permanent base camp on or near the mountain, and there are no cities or towns of significance within three hundred miles. The closes road passes more than a hundred miles away. Because of this, Logan is the least visited of the fourteen tallest and second-tallest continental mountain peaks.
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