The Regional Nature Park of the Camargue is one of the most beautiful wildlife reserves in France and one of Europe’s most protected areas. Located along the Mediterranean Coast in the Rhone Delta, this area of lakes, rivers, shores and lagoons is a major bird sanctuary. It is famous for its roaming herds of wild horses and cattle.
The Camargue is an ancient region of France, known for its beauty and wildlife since Roman times. Because of its prominent location at the heart of the French Mediterranean Coast, the area was subject to the ravages of human development despite its marshy nature. However, some of it survived into the 20th century and in 1970 almost all of the Camargue was incorporated into a regional nature park. It is known for its excellent balance of accommodating large numbers of visitors while preserving the grounds.
The Camargue is a series of initerconnected lagoons, marshes and wetlands created by the delta of the Rhone River, the largest such delta in Western Europe. It is home to over 400 species of birds, including its most popular avian, the Greater Flamingo. Outside of the wetland areas, the wide open grasslands are home to herds of Camargue Cattle and Camargue Horse.
The Regional Nature Park of the Camargue is located in the extreme south of France just outside of the city of Arles and fifty miles west of Marseilles. It is open year round. As of this writing no visitor information was available. Web: (official website).
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