The Sahara Desert is the largest desert (exluding the polar deserts) and one of the largest ecological zones on Earth. Sprawing across the entirety of North Africa, it covers approximately one third of the world’s second largest continent (it would completely engulf Europe). Almost any visitor to North Africa will almost by default see the Sahara Desert. But the majority who travel to Africa deliberately to see the Sahara will probably do so in Morocco.
The great deserts and grasslands of northern and eastern Africa have played a role in human history longer than any other ecological feature of the planet. Primitive men had to cross the Sahara region as far back as two hundred thousand years ago in order to expand into Asia. For most of history it has been a barrier between the more advanced Mediterranean region and the less advanced Sub-Saharan Africa. It was not thoroughly explored until the arrival of European powers in the 19th century. Despite its huge size, it is one of the least touristed places on the planet.
The Sahara Desert is broken up into approximately eight general regions, which run from the Atlantic Coastal Desert in the west to the Nile River Valley in the east. The deepest, most inhospitable regioni of the Sahara is Tanezrouft near the southernmost point of Algeria.
From a tourism standpoint, the most popular country to visit the Sahara in is Morocco. From here intrepid trekkers can visit stretches of the Atlantic Coastal Desert in the Western Sahara territory with some of the most stark and beautiful scenery in Northwest Africa. Bus tours, tours on camelback and hiking are all popular ways to get just a tiny glimpse of one of the world’s vastest spaces. Web: N/A.
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